DBS Checks & Criminal Record Checks

DBS Checks is a leading umbrella body for the Disclosure and Barring Service and has been named one of the top 8 providers for criminal record checks in the UK.

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What Does An Enhanced DBS Check Show?

Dec 19, 2022 | DBS

Many people know about the criminal background checks carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). There are three levels of these checks, with enhanced DBS checks being the highest level check. 

However, many people who apply for this check are unsure of what information shows up on this check or what is required of them in the application process. Here, we explain this and more. 

What Is An Enhanced DBS Check?

An Enhanced DBS check is the highest form of criminal background check and will highlight any cautions, warnings, reprimands or convictions against an individual. 

With regard to convictions, the following information is shown on the enhanced check: 

  • The conviction date
  • Details from the court
  • Details of the offence 
  • Date the offence occurred 
  • Sentence given 

In addition to this, an Enhanced check will also search to see if an individual is on the Children’s Barred List or the DBS Adult First list, as this will stop them from working with vulnerable groups.

The police can also add any additional information they deem relevant to the check, and this will then show up on the enhanced check certificate. 

Do Spent & Unspent Convictions Come Up On An Enhanced Check?

It’s important to note that all DBS checks, at the bare minimum, will display any unspent convictions against an applicant. Until 2013, all cautions and convictions came up on an enhanced check. 

Now, cautions and convictions are subject to filtering, which means that some issues will not appear on your check, while others always will. Some of the offences that will always appear on a DBS check include torture, incitement, child abduction, cruelty to children and threatening to kill.

DBS Checks & Criminal Record Checks

What Kind Of Jobs Require An Enhanced DBS Check? 

Generally, an enhanced check would be needed for any job where an individual is working directly with children or other vulnerable groups, such as teachers, social workers, healthcare workers, school governors and others. Individuals will also need an enhanced DBS check if they are engaged in a regulated activity. 

Who Can Apply For An Enhanced DBS Check?

Individuals cannot apply for an enhanced check of their own volition; rather, it must be done by an employer. Employers can only request this level of check if the role requires it; they must also obtain consent from the individual in question before applying for the enhanced check. 



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